A Good Friday

Lazily rising around 10, I think we can safely say the caravan is proving comfortable to sleep in. We did play a long late game of Pandemic last night though. (& lost!)

Henry cooked a proper fry up, so the gas cooker has been fully tested. Eggs, bacon, beans and sausages. It became brunch as we sat down to eat at midday!

Jon and I drove in to Lincoln to buy hot cross buns, but the rest of the day has been a lazy one....and monopoly! For once I won, pretty much clearing everyone out as they landed on Bond Street where I finished with a hotel taking £1400 rent each time it was landed on. It is the only time I've ever had luck with property!!

We went for a walk around the site, and marvelled at the amount of 'home' our fellow caravanners bring away with them. The people next to us have a full size satellite dish with it's own wind break around it! It is a shame that some people can't allow themselves a break from tv!

We are now planning scrabble and yahtzee for the rest of the evening. It means I can carry on reading my book between turns.

Enjoying our few days away...its raining now though. If it's dry tomorrow the awning will come down to be packed away

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