Sweet dreams

We went down to the Town Hall to sort out some storage for Brownies. We've now got a bigger cupboard to share with Guides and some more room in another little room so it will make things easier and free up some room in the house.
We went to see if there were more lambs up the road and there were so it was hard to choose which one to blip as they ll looked so cute. These two were cuddled up to their colourful Mum and looked really cosy. One was sitting on it's Mums back and others were running about although they had nt really ventured far from Mum and had nt gathered in groups so I think they were quite young.
Busy day tidying the house and packing ready for our Adventure to Arran and Isaly. Off to Glen Coe for the night tomorrow before a drive to Kintyre for the Ferry. I should have wifi so hope to keep in contact.
Thanks everyone for all the comments,stars and hearts, I really do appreciate the time you take to look at my journal :)

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