
.....to take it slow today on my first rest day. I actually managed to sleep between 7.30am and 2.30pm yesterday (almost unheard of for me), so I sort of feel okay today.....so far ;-)

Thank you for all of the comments yesterday. I hadn't wanted to say too much about the news I'd received as not everyone had been informed and now they have. I found out that one of my colleagues had died suddenly.

I thought, we all thought, that everything was going well in his life, but in the job I do we deal with some truly horrific and difficult situations and to cope we make terrible jokes and laugh when perhaps we shouldn't. I think that makes it harder to open up to each other and admit something's wrong.

Anyway, I won't dwell on it too much. It's happened and I can't change anything now.

The other piece of news also involves death. Someone I had tried to help on Wednesday night, and who had refused to be helped, is now not going to survive. He is my age. The idiot responsible is much younger and more than likely acted in a rash and immature way, but the result of his actions will have a profound effect on him, possibly for the rest of his life. It was a frustrating experience and my gut instinct told me that it would more than likely end this way. I'm not at any fault, and in fact I did considerably more than others might have done in the same situation and I have even been commended by my seniors on how I dealt with it. I'm just glad I listened to my instincts and acted on them.

On a lighter note; it's Friday and I'm off work for the next four days and that can only be good. Happy weekend blippers and take care of yourselves out there x

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