Happy Daze

By Dazed

A great start to the new year diet...not

I normally hate this kind of Chinese food. I loved the dim sum that I tried in Hong Kong, or the more steamed veggies and rice sort of stuff but I've never really liked the stuff you get here. For some reason it was just what I fancied today - Mr Dazed will be so disappointed that he wasn't there.

I went shopping at the Ocean Terminal with my Mum and Stepdad and we decided to go to Palace Chine for their lunch special. £6.50 for starter, main and dessert. This is my lemon chicken main course and it was goooooooood in the sense that it was baaaaaaaaaaad if ya know whadda mean. I can highly recommend it and it was very good value for money. Plus, if you were going in your lunch break, they are highly efficient. So efficient that I had my plate whisked away while I still had half a spring roll in my hand. And yes that is holly on the tablecloth - we were also treated to 'Fairytale in New York', 'Driving Home for Christmas' and 'Feed the World' (TWICE!) while we were there. I hope I'm not making it sound like I didn't enjoy it because I really, really did!

For those of you interested in the tortoises well being, they are doing fine. Still ambling about quite slowly and not eating much but that's to be expected. They'll be chasing us round the flat and nipping our ankles in no time!

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