Sun, crane and clouds

Tonight, as we were about to leave for the beach for the first time in weeks, I looked out over the deck to the west and saw a large round reddish sun just above the horizon. Dashed inside for the camera, and managed to get a few pictures. It has always taken me by surprise, how quickly the sun goes from just above the horizon to fully below the horizon.

This was the last shot, and was taken with the telephoto lens. The image is not as I saw it, as the sun was much more red, rather than yellow. The sky was pretty much this colour, although also more redness to my eyes

Now at the beach, and I need to post this and enjoy the meal produced for S and me by daughter J.

EDIT: a wonderful meal, great company and a pleasant Matakana red. Came back to this to advise those interested to have a look at this large.

Really nice to be here again, even though the weekend is set aside for agenda reading and reports.

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