a hidden heart...

...on the 1st bloom

of my little easter lily plant

it's that time of year - when stores are flooded with easter lilies - a traditional flower seen during the season - i usually don't get these plants because they are so big - however this time around - i found the cutest very small one - so indulged and this is the 1st bloom which has come forth - as is no surprise, nature has shown her hand - with this lily by showing off a rather gentle heart - do you see it?

considering it's easter - how we celebrate both the death and resurrection of jesus - it should be no surprise to see this heart - for me, it's a reflection of god's heart for his children - how much he loved us - that he was able to let go of his son in death - on that good friday day so many thousands of years ago - would you have it in your heart to do such a thing? - it just goes to show how big is the depth of god's love for us - the breadth of unspeakable hope he holds out to us every day - and how it can come in the form of such tiny things - like a flower - sometimes it doesn't take much to make a difference or to have...


happy day.....

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