Can you see the Clangers?

Wednesday 12th April 2017 (1691)

It was one of those days! Slept through the alarm this morning, woke late, dashed out of the house to get to the 7.30am service (later than intended), got to church and realised I didn't have the church keys, dashed back home, dashed back to church. Phew, made it in time! 

Long day. Started to fall asleep late afternoon. Set the alarm so that I didn't miss the evening service. Slept through the alarm, woke late, dashed out of the house to go and set up for the 7pm service, got to church and realised I had forgotten the computer with the service on, arranged the church, dashed home, dashed back to church. Phew, made it just in time! Had to read the passage "Jesus said to the disciples, 'Could you not stay awake with me just one hour?"" Had a little chuckle to myself!  

Out late, only half an hour of the day left. No blip.  Thankfully the moon was shining brightly.  Cropped it tight to see if I could spot the Clangers. 

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