Picture this..

By northernlass261


The wind has dropped giving a warm, sunny day.

A busy day, shopping this morning as the Supermarkets are not open tomorrow and Friday, so it was quite busy.

Most of the ironing has been done from yesterday, and as I was out with Holly at lunchtime, while waiting for her to sniff around in the gardens, I noticed the Kestrels squabbling with the Pigeons over this crevace.

The Pigeons settled and the Kestrels came swooping in, scaring them off and sitting for a while.

I came back with my camera and stood in wait, and I waited and waited. Then when I thought I had a good shot our cleaner called out to me and distracted me.   Other people came and went, until at last the Kestrels came back!   A shame the shadow is casting over his eye!

We often hear them as they call out to each other, I hope there will be some young - not sure when they breed but expect it should be about now.   

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