Home Baking

My blip of the simnel cake got several folk interested in the BeRo cookery book, so here are a few more!  It's nine years ago (9???!) since I blipped a selection, and there are plenty more still on the shelves for the next nine years!  

The oldest of these was Granny's and is the nineteenth edition of the BeRo cookery book, first published in 1923, so perhaps early 50's?  There is a telling paragraph which begins "When using an ordinary coal oven . . . ".  Changed days indeed!  Our neighbour's oven is wifi enabled!  

I'm not sure how I feel about being informed that BeRo self raising flour is suitable for the "slow amateur "!

The other books are the 33rd, which I bought when I left home, and the 40th edition, which has moved onto grams rather than pounds and ounces.

Cat Sitting:  For those of you who are following the saga, Reggie came home 24 hours after his owners did!  I didn't see him for the whole week but he apparently strolled in perfectly happy and content!  That's cats for you!

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