New Garden

One of the interesting things about inheriting a garden when you move is wondering what will appear and when. I like a nice garden, but can't say I'm a gardener, so another challenge for me is knowing whether something's a weed or a flower! Even if it's a weed, will it be one I like the look of anyway?!?  

I generally stick to shrubs and bulbs in borders with bedding plants in tubs in the summer for colour. The previous owner used annual's a lot in the borders, which is far too much effort as far as I'm concerned. So I've put some shrubs in the front garden already and put a hedge in at the side garden. I'm mostly leaving the back garden itself until next year as I think I'll need to replace a long stretch of fencing, get the paving re-laid and so I might also change the shape of the lawn and borders. 

Another warm, sunny day - I wonder if we're far away from a drought in the East, it hasn't rained for ages and it's getting very dusty.

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