
By BikerJim

~The Lonely Ride Home~

~Just No.9 And My Thoughts~

I left Visalia, California just before 6am this morning, with my loyal friend Jack riding beside me, both of us moving down Interstate 5, both wanting to get home. It was a sorrowful trip which including saying goodbye yesterday to our best friend Mike. We both agreed that when riding up here to see Mike it was a trip we didn't want to make. Now that we are departing we both agreed that we really don't want to leave, a true reversal of emotions. But then this entire journey has had it share of ups and downs.

Jack and I parted company at about 240 miles, he to his home and me to mine. We hugged and almost cried again, thought not enough emotions left for the tears to flow, we were both emotionally drained. See ya Jack, thanks for being there, you helped keep me strong through this troubling road trip.

I decided that I wanted to sleep in my own bed tonight, just a mere 500 miles away. So I incorporated two of my motorcycle road trip strategies, Road Work and Catching A Ride. The first involves laying down the miles, no lolly-gagging, sightseeing, or other time wasting activities. Just gas and go, then repeat that again and again, till home is near enough to see. The next tactic, Catching a Ride, is to cruise that highway at or just above the speed limit, about 70 or 75 miles per hour. Then when I get passed by a car or truck I fall in behind them, sometimes they are doing 80 or 90 or more mph. We usually pick up another vehicle or two, hopefully someone has a radar detector and a good rearview mirror. This really gets the adrenaline pumping and really lays down the miles. When one of the roadrunners backs off its a good idea to do the same, as they may have detected a Highway Patrol car somewhere. Then I just sit back and wait for my next ride.

I made the 720 mile trip home in just over eleven hours. I had time on the road for gas, a hamburger and a quick photograph of my favorite desert icon, the Saguaro cactus.

Also, thanks for your heartfelt condolences you posted on yesterdays page. It does make it easier to bear the weight of losing a dear friend.

Its good to be home, TucsonJim ;o)

PS: I'm writing and posting this 6 days later. I will be back posting over the next few days. Blipping for me is a happy activity and I just couldn't bring myself to be happy. Though the pain is dissipating and slowly being replace with the usual activities of life and living.

Mas Grande Tres Saguaros

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