Durnbridge Ltd

A few years ago, a local company went under, owing us a small amount of money. It wasn't a big deal for us but it meant that, as creditors, we received a copy of all the paperwork associated with the process of winding that business up. 

Looking through it, I could see that the proprietor had invested ninety-six thousand pounds of his own money in the business. Running a small company myself, I could empathise with what he'd done to keep his enterprise afloat and I could only imagine how he felt when he finally had to accept it was game over. 

Since then, I can't ever walk past a closed down shop without feeling a pang of sympathy, like this one I saw in Manchester this evening when I went to meet Hannah for dinner. I suspect that as we all use Amazon* more and more, we'll see a corresponding increase in sights like this.

In fact, I wonder if, at some point in the future, we'll have to pay to go onto showrooms. That seems the only way physical stores can stay in business, if we simply use them to browse before going home to look for a better price online. 

*for example. Other monolithic online retailers are available.


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