
Poor old Danny had decided to take this week as paternity, but this afternoon & evening ended up being full of unavoidable worky things for him to do - poor guy looks shattered! 
Luci the midwife came by today, Nate's only lost 40g of his birth weight, so that's good. It was really lovely to have a catch up with her! 
This afternoon a couple of different sets of friends came by to meet the new addition...Asha enjoyed showing her brother off to her friend.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A catch up with friends on Skype this morning.
2) Danny being a brilliant Dad & going to a school event...These next 3 days parents can go in at 12 and take part in workshops with the kids, all celebrating local culture. I'm glad D went, really don't want Asha to feel sidelined...
3) Takeaway noodles for tea.

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