Spring to Life

By MarkSpringett

Olympic thankyou

A certificate arrived today, I don't get many certificates at 50 years old! The last one was probably at school for swimming a couple of widths of the local pool.

I was one of the lucky Games Makers at London 2012, my role.......Security. Well actually the official description was "Venue Entry" but as part of the security team. I welcomed 1000's of visitors with a cheery smile and made sure they were at the right venue on the right day and... only had a maximum of 100ml of liquids about their person.

I tried a few Mexican waves, entertained them with "Singing in the Rain", told them jokes, offered them advice and dealt with difficult and downright rude with the same smile.

A successful London 2012 Olympic games is my reward, then I get this certificate, accompanied with a letter from Jacques Rogge and Seb Coe telling me 94% of 90,000 people rated their experience of security as "extremely good"

A job well done then ?

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