Don't f*ck about with it

I've always wanted a really simple, no nonsense, kite-against-a-blue-sky shot and today delivered.

I thought about boosting the colour and pratting around with the definition but Richard said "Don't fuck about with it." So I'm not.

Just for the record: I'm not usually obedient.

I also got a bit obsessed with one particular butterfly on what I think is milkweed and so popped some of those on Flickr If I had't got the kite it would have been bee and butterfly today.

My first baby (who is 17) is having some troubles and I am heartbroken for her. She's more like me than I dare suggest to her but I have a good idea how she's feeling...

Second baby (who is 15) went back to school today and came home complaining about his feet hurting (proper shoes) and then made me a cup of tea. What a lovely lad.

Third baby seems to be very happy to be back at school and I'm enjoying the shorter bursts of her company. I hope one day she can find a life partner who doesn't mind someone talking non-stop! (She even talks in her sleep when I check on her at night)

Being a bee fan - for their sakes and ours - this upset me today: No ban on pesticides despite links to sharp decline in bees

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