
Another lunchtime run, but was horrified that I took five minutes longer than last week's painfully slow performance. It was a bit more breezy, but I can't really account for where the extra time was spent. To rub it in, my iPod then 'congratulated' me on my "longest workout so far", surreally from the voice of one Lance Armstrong. Just as well he didn't then offer me any performance enhancing tips...

Earlier, a bunch of us met one of our new executives who has been visiting the troups, listening to the word on the street and all that. I have no idea where his and my boxes reside in the corporate organisation chart, although I suspect they won't be sharing the same sheet of A4. His PA for the day also works in marketing, so she asked me to take a few pictures of him prior to his talk. Afterwards I took this unscheduled natural light portrait of him, just as a bit of fun for me.

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