
By tookie

Tulip Abstract

Decorating our yards
Palettes of rainbow colors
It's that time of year

Today I woke rested.  Went to the Y and then met a friend to just sip some hot drinks then do a mini Costco run.  Now chilling at home...perhaps a dog walk later:)  Yesterday we visited our friend Barb who is in rehab..I had 40 pictures for her to look through from her apartment and so she could point out what she wanted to pass on to others or try to take with her to a potentially soon move to a group home.  She won't be able to return to her apt. nor to choose things to keep in person so I thought this might be one way for her to remember things she wanted.  She seemed quite delighted with the photos.  
    Week after next I hope to make a trip to the actual tulip fields!   Have a good Sunday!

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