Dry again but not as warm and sunny as yesterday. Managed to crack on and get the rest of the fertiliser on the spring barley and oats up here then down the road to do the fields there. A quick stop in the Co Op car park to nip in for a pie for lunch. Not a lot of spare room for a tractor in their parking bays though !
Back home and some grass fields done before tea time. Not a bad weekend's work - 170 acres and 23 tons of fert spread . Or to put it another way , over £5K chucked about here and there.
Had a cow calved yesterday and this one calved tonight. Luckily she didn't need any help as she was facing the bike up when I checked on her earlier so didn't fancy having to bring her in ! Hopefully it will suck OK by its self as I'm getting too old for heroics !

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