Roll up! Roll Up!

Second time lucky at the Cairo Opera House ticket office! I managed to get seats N7-13, amongst the best in the house and at the top price of 100 Egyptian pounds which is 5 euros at current exchange rates. So, on Thursday we're going to see Puccini's Tosca performed by the Cairo Opera and Cairo Orchestra and Cairo just about everything else. Undercovercairo and a friend of hers are coming too. Can't really go wrong at that price. The last time I saw it was in the Budapest Opera House with Oeilduchat if memory serves me right . . . or it might be we saw Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet ballet together . . .help!

In other news, I spent two and a half hours this morning deeply immersed in a new creative writing piece only to have the Word file become completely corrupted and the entire content lost. The next three hours were dedicated to a concentrated reconstruction of the whole. I got to within three hundred words of the original . . . clearly some wonderful metaphors are forever lost to us!


We're safe in Cairo after the bombings today have cancelled a weekend trip to Alexandria and will keep a low profile here in Cairo. The BC have forbidden travel to certain places in Egypt under threat of disciplinary action if instructions are disobeyed.

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