On the turn (Day 703)

The morning wander up the hill was quite pleasant in sunshine and a barely noticeable wind.
Since the weather was so good, my beautiful wife and I decided it would be a good idea to head on the bikes for a little ride. I managed the hills on the way back more quickly, and in a higher gear than I have managed so far. It is always good to feel a bit of an improvement.
After a brief stop at home, we took the dogs across to Stromness, picked up Evie the Wonderdog and walked out to Breckness. The sky over Hoy was dramatic, hinting at an imminent change in the weather. We returned to the car just as the first few drops of rain started to fall.
We met Mum and Dad for lunch to celebrate Dad's birthday. Always good to see them, just a shame it had to be cut short so that HV could zoom off to work.

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