Fay's Photo Challenge

By Faylm


Today's theme: Grass

Well there's not much you can do with this theme is there?

I tried using black and white, I tried using negative.
I tried using a camera effects app on my mobile and got various different styles of photos of grass.

I took photos of grass from the ground, from above, from in amongst the grass

I waited most of the day for it to rain, cause it was threatening to do so, but it didn't.
So I went and got the watering can to sprinkle water on the grass to make it at least somewhat interesting.

Puddled about trying to decide which photo to use but this is the chosen one.

So after all that malarky, this photo hasn't had any effects applied to it (aside from the pretend rain from the watering can) and has been cropped

So today, I give you grass.

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