
Today they did another scan and it looks like I have passed all the stones.The biggest being 5mm. So now my kidney feels better.  The last 2 nights they were monitoring my oxygen intake. Apparently I am at 80 to 81%. They gave me a choice of staying another night so they could another study tonight or I could do it at home. I chose home. They had someone come over with the equipment so we will see what tonight brings. Last night at 2 am they came into my room and said the hospitalist wanted me to have a chest e-ray right away. So at 2am off I went. They said I have fluid around my lungs. Our hospital feels a bit questionable. I don't think anyone knows what the other one does. It would be a book to write all the mishaps but Lets just say I left still feeling confused about my lungs and O2 levels. 

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