Sports hall

This is the school's new sports hall, or at least its skeleton. I'd hoped to be there when the huge parts were delivered and I'd also thought it would be interesting to chart its development but this is the first photo I've taken of it. Which is disappointing. 

Next week they're pouring the concrete floor, so I've asked if I can go along for that, although I've picked up a meeting on Monday afternoon, so we'll have to see how I do. 

That aside, I had a nice day, today. Some school stuff in the morning and the office in the afternoon. This evening, I went out for a curry with Dan and Abi. They're off to South Africa with their mum on Thursday morning and they are required for packing tomorrow night, so this was our last evening together. 

They were on good form, actually; we had plenty of chat and laughs as we worked our way through our curry. Having tried the madras previously, Dan decided he wanted to give the vindaloo a go. I was so moved by the concern from the waiters - who are a great bunch of lads - as they looked anxiously at me and tried to talk Dan out of it. 

In the end they said they'd make him a curry that was halfway between a madras and a full on vindaloo and Dan, sensible chap that he is, accepted this compromise.  And he really enjoyed it! (I have to say that the curry house in Kirkby is top notch; the guys who run it are wonderful and the food is superb.) 

At a time when our national outlook is becoming ever more blinkered, I'm glad Dan and Abi have the opportunity to meet with these guys - and have the view promoted by the media around them soundly undermined - and also to spend two or three weeks a year in another country. I don't want them growing up with a Brexit perspective.


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