Best Foot Forward

Thankyou SO much kind & generous Blipworld, for putting Nate at #1 on the populars page - I feel really touched!
Another decent night...he's breaking us in gently I think! And another gentle day too, with a lovely visit from my friend Claire.
Then this evening a visit from Cyd, she also did a clay imprint of Nate's feet. Lovely to have a catch up with her.

A few extra pics...soon I'll get back to colour pics! But so many of these look lovely in mono!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha's class making an A3 picture for Nate - they all did drawings around his name. It's beautiful - we'll definitely frame it!
2) Claire visiting! 
3) Realising more and more what an amazing birth Nate had.

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