Bowled Over

Erysimum Bowles's Mauve or Everlasting Wallflower to me.

One of my greatest pleasures is to photograph what grows in my garden.
You can be on hand any time of the day to catch them in the best light,
You can blip, blip and blip again till you get it right.
(Just realised that rhymes, isn't there a challenge this month to write poetry?)

I digress, l'm a fairweather gardener, never found any pleasure in breaking up icy mud, so April is usually when l get my sleeves rolled up and reveal my green fingers.

l grow everything in containers these days and have a time out area in one shady corner where exhausted beauties rest and recuperate till the next season.
Another little area is under glass where at the moment seeds and summer bulbs are nestling nicely in everwarming compost.
While this is all going on some sturdy everlasting specimens have their moment of glory.

Actually Erysimums flower from now until late September.
They also come in a ruby red shade and l'm currently on the look out for a white one.
They do go a bit woody after a couple of years but you can take cuttings of them in summer and pot up for the following year.

A good value flower that certainly earns its keep and pays you back relentlessly.

Thank you Biker Bear for your everlasting hosting of Flower Friday!

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