Homeward bound

After an early wake up at The Stepdaughter's, I was dropped off in town. I sat in the morning sun with a coffee first before heading off to get my train- a much tougher task than anticipated due to some extensive building work!
A very quiet journey home ensued with a near empty train coach! Mother and Li'l sis are staying in Wales for another few days too.
I embraced the peace and quiet and managed to finish 'Denial' which I began reading a while ago. A captivating read that had me welling up at the end (maybe leaving family behind had something to do with it too!).
A friend met me on my arrival home and we headed for a catch up coffee.
The Other-half was working late and was still not back when I arrived home. I felt pretty drained after a busy week so my plans to cook were abandoned and we opted for a curry takeout from our favourite place.

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