Date man
I went for a cycle along one of my favourite canals earlier today, the small road that runs to Lagalta from Gezira. It was a complete hive of activity!
Men in the canal, clearing the backlog of plastic bags and plastic bottles that had gathered at the iron barriers, eventually freeing up the normal flow of water.
Children lined up along palm tree bridges, taking turns to dive into the murky waters.
Water buffalo, swimming freely, grunting to each other, as they swam daringly further from their home on the bank. An angry Madame appeared, shouting and calling for the Jamoosa (Water Buffalo) to come back to the safe area., throwing a few stones at them, made them realise they should stay closer to home for their safety!
Lady banana pickers by the truckload had arrived from Qena, completely covered, to protect themselves from the dust and crawlies!
Water Monitors were visible in the deep water, swimming alongside their recently hatched babies.
Women sat at the edge of the road, sheltering from the late summer sun as they stripped the corn from the cob.
The palm dates are finally ready. It seems they are late this year? I have been wishing them to change colour in the sun. Seems now is the time, as this guy confidently cuts the dates and casts them to the street where the family wait to pick them from their branches and lay them in the sun to dry.
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