Coal Tit

I went down to Cromwell Bottom today and spent a nice relaxing hour watching birds.  I like these tiny Coal Tits as it's not often I see them and they're not as cheeky as their big brothers.  

Neither of us is getting out as much as we should, and we're not getting the exercise either -  if we don't pull our socks up I can see we'll turn into couch potatoes.  I'm hoping this is the after effects of a dreary winter and that if we get a little bit of sun it will pick us up and get us going again.  My eldest daughter says she's going to buy me a fitbit for my birthday  -    she made the same offer to Jack, but he declined!

Thank you again for visiting my journal and being so generous with stars and hearts  -  I'm pleased so many of you liked my pic from the Greenway. :-))

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