Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2017 Tuesday -- 5 Generations

This the whole "Fun-Ville" Menagerie and it's been a long, long time since we've all been together.

This is Mr. Fun's 94 year old mom, our two adult children, Shawn and Deidre (Dede), Shawn's daughter Desiree and her two children, Tristan (10 years old) and Jade (17 months).

Desiree is visiting from the Midwest to see Tristan, who lives here in California because his father was granted custody by the court. Des and her husband moved to Missouri because he is in the U.S. Navy and serves as a recruiting officer.

We enjoyed a very good afternoon visit at Grammie Fun's home, and then everyone but Grammie went out to enjoy an evening meal together.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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