A big mistake
I have a strict workflow when it comes to my photos - get home, take the card out of the camera, replace it with another one and format, and then copy the removed card to my laptop for processing. The 'used' card then remains safe until the photos are backed up to the second laptop drive and/or my server.
So yesterday, being in a bit of a flap having been so busy and just taking a photo out of the window, I got it wrong. I found out I'd got it wrong when I was out for a walk and spotted a heron catching fish - camera out of the rucksack, lined up a shot of the heron and - nothing happened! No memory card in the camera, and no spare one with me.
So today's photo is yet another last minute photo at home. This time though I have followed my usual routine and there is a formatted card already in the camera ;-)
- 5
- 0
- Canon EOS 80D
- 1/323
- f/5.6
- 371mm
- 2000
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