He's back!

I dropped the girls off in town on my way to work this morning as they wanted to go shopping and then Emily wanted to go to the cinema to watch Beauty and the Beast.

At lunch time I met Barbs and we went to the beach and ended up having a paddle in he sea!  The water was fresh, but actually quite nice and I rolled my trousers up, but a wave soaked me and I ended up going back to work with wet trousers!  I've added a couple of selfies to my extras.  

We spotted the artist at work in the middle of Palmeira Squre - you may remember him from a couple of blips last summer, particularly the 'half naked artist' on a very hot day in the summer.  Today he was painting the church - his work is pretty amazing!

When I left work at 4pm I picked the girls up and it was 17.5 degrees so when we got home, we cracked open the prosecco and sat in the garden.  The girls have had a great day and now I can look forward to spending the next few days with them.

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