A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Light House

Another mini-series.

The shadows on the wall this morning put me in mind of a map.

Woke earlier and brighter than I was expecting after the night out and consequently attacked the day with a tad more gusto than may have been wise. A couple of coffee stops along the dog walk helped.

Delivered Anna to spend the morning with a friend and headed home for a date with the boy and finishing our long overdue game of Civilisation. The pause button has been on for about 3 weeks so it took a while for us to remember what we were doing. When we did though we both remembered why we love it so much. One of the great things are the many permutations in how you can set it up. We've come up with a few for keeping us entertained during next week's hospital stay so now we just have to hope the hospital wifi is up to the job.

Meanwhile I'm sure not for the last time Anna's 3 hours with her mate turned into 5 with an additional park and ice cream shop trip.

Friends over this afternoon saw (heard) 4 kids being raucous in the den and me and Sue chatting in the sun.

Evening of reading and a couple of Pretty Little Liars for me and the girl and the Chelsea match for Carlos and J.

Since J's injury the holidays have often been more challenging for us than term times, and clearly with a 3 day hospital stay in the middle this one isn't ideal, but so far I think the holiday is really rather jolly.

Lesley x

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