a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Feeling Blue?

Tiny Tuesday:  Feeling Blue?

This little anemone was looking a little bedraggled and sorry for itself when I grabbed my Tiny Tuesday shot this morning.  The overnight rain had clearly left it a little battered.  However the sun was coming out at that stage and I suspect that it perked up shortly afterwards.  Nothing like a nice spot of sunshine to help cheer oneself up!

I've finally finished the editing of the show photos from last night, all 107 that made the cut.  They are all on my Flickr account if you are mad enough to want to see them ;-).  I would have liked to tinker with them a little more, as I suspect that I could have reduced the noise in many of them even further, but there just has not been time given the deadline I've been given.  Most of them I'm reasonably happy with, I've ended up including a few shots of the musicians, choir, sound and lighting team, even though the lighting was frankly atrocious.  However, it seemed only right and proper that those backstage members of the team should also be given some recognition.

Inevitably that has left me no time for Blip tonight, and its band rehearsal for the gig in Bath in two weeks time tomorrow, so I'm going to have to apologise yet again for not keeping up.  I am painfully aware that a number of you have given me hearts and stars recently that I still haven't managed to say thank you for :-/

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