Clarinet day

Katie's second day of music festival. It's been quite an epic day really. She woke very excited at 545 am, having been restless since 4. We did a bit of practice, put her in the bath and got her ready then headed out. She enjoyed having the rehearsal room all to herself to warm up. We then went and watched the end of the class before hers. She coped so well today. B was there but as teacher for the school she is peripatetic teacher for, which she'd explained to katie previously. Katie handled this brilliantly. She's very used to having B's doting and undivided attention, but just got on with her day without disturbing B. And in return, B was great at finding ways of still making katie feel not left out and important to her. Katie's first class was against 15 y6 children. One of my favourite moments of the day was when B and her took to the stage and had to drop the music stand right down to katie height. She did great in that section, and came second with commendation. I took her for lunch & to get changed and warmed up ready for the afternoon. We went back in to watch the groups as B had three entries in it and Katie's last class was immediately after. It was fascinating watching the groups and seeing just another reminder of what a wonderful teacher we have in B. When the groups had played and she'd said Goodbye to them, B came and sat with Katie. Her final entry was lovely, with her not letting a mistake at the start spoil it. She came second again and beamed. With exactly the same mark actually. Again the adjudicator commented on the fact her big smile hasn't faultered in either day & on her wonderful stage presence- as welll as her lovely playing developing. Her and B had a huge hug before we said goodbye.

We went straight to ballet but arrived early so I let her go off and play in the park. She had free reign and played happily for half an hour but didn't like it when it became over run by school kids so she came back. We did her hair for ballet and she trotted in a little early, raring to get on with it!

Final bit of the day was a visit to lydi to wish her a happy birthday. They played with her rabbit then sloped off upstairs- they've sussed that if they're quiet, they get longer! But by 830 we decided both girls'd had plenty long enough in their days. Katie was asleep within 5/10 minutes of walking through the door.

Very happily exhausted. I'm so proud of her today. She worked really hard to get ready for this festival. She has been beautiful. She has been confident without an ounce of arrogance. She's handled little problems well. She handled a big one brilliantly. She's been unphased by being the smallest. And she's had a glorious, wonderful, happy time. It's been great.

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