Departure Lounge

Well okay - it's the back garden, but in my head it feels like departing.
I'm finished with Let's Get Cellular... installed it over the weekend. Stones and Bones, we dismantled last week. Apart from a small detour with a Sea Creatures printing day next week, I can now devote all my energies into personal work for my summer exhibition, Tidelines. I am gathering reseources... looking for things that will jump start the journey... images, poems.... hence the odd pile.
It is an odd time... being in between things.... real life tries to creep into the gaps... when I need space to develop ideas.  I came across this interesting quote today that sorta sums it up...
To be unapologetically absent from life in order to be fully present in art is our task and each day we show up at the desk or easel or keyboard with the quibbles of life gnawing behind our ears of other commitments. If we are lucky the concept we are pursuing makes a fleeting appearance early on, and the hunt is on. It is much more difficult if the concept remains hidden for a morning or a week. Then the quibbles become louder and likely win. We retreat back to life and put the elements of art aside for that day.

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