
By Sallie

Difficult Destiny

G sent this all the way from across the ocean when he was in UK. For me. I look at it everyday. I think: Wow. I should call this number. But something stops me. Besides the whole thing of not having a credit card, I try to remind myself that I don't have a problem. Yes, things could be better. Relationship with Max could be healed. Yes. Plastic surgery could bring back childhood beauty. But I try to remind myself that life is about riding the waves. If I call, I will have convinced myself that I am a problem cat. And that my life is a problem. My life isn't a problem. My problems are perfect, they are perfect problems like the way, say, dead leaves will begin to fall to the ground, decomposing yes, but fueling the future. My future. I tried hard today and believed this. I feel great today, I said to myself. My difficulties make my destiny.

Writing help.


A plan
comes to
at a lily's pace.

It opens
by the sun's command
only to close again
torrential rain.

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