art is long and time is fleeting

I was running late for work this morning and on my way upstairs to clean my teeth, passed the hourglass with the sun shining through and made myself even later by stopping  to take a photo or two. It made me think about the tension between work and creativity..I really like what I do at the Usual Place, and I only work two days a week, but even so it interferes with my photographic urges! How can people who work full time (or more) be creative, unless of course they are fortunate enough to have a creative job? On the other hand, the life experiences which we gain from being in the world and with other people inform and stimulate our creativity....

The photo was doubly expressive of my day since this afternoon I attended the memorial of someone who was described as "the perfect gentleman". In his 85 years he had been a friend to many -  every seat in the church was occupied and people were standing in the aisles. We listened to the story of his life and gave thanks for it.

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