Not My Fault

Yap it’s “that” tree and as above, the low water level is not my fault. Yes I kno that I am always slurping at this lake but even the thirstiest hound could not make this impression which is at odds with weather thingies that are happening in the North Island. Traditionally this is a low lake time as the sno has long gone and there has not been much rain but this is lower than usual so you do get some grrreat photo opps. The Boss and I visited this as there was almost a waiting list and we had to show grreat patience as a lady directed by her daughter was attempting to get their Jack Russell dog to stand by her (and the tree) for “that” photo and behind them there was a mob of assorted folk with tripods and other serious stuff so when the lady finally gave up The Boss just jumped into position with his fruitphone and banged off 3 shots and scarpered. Total time about 15 seconds.   
The good news was it was a tad muddy so that may slow up the wedding deals but then again it may not.

The Boss grinds his teeth every time we walk past here now….I am going to offer him one of my Denta sticks.


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