Soon To Be Gone.
The property these horses live on has just been sold. So I expect where the house stood there will now be hundreds of houses or rather units being built.
I don't blame the owners, after all if you're offered a lot of money you'd take it. But I do blame the local council for encouraging it.
They seem to be hell bent on building up the area without improving the infrastructure. We still only have one hospital despite the population doubling. And the roads cannot cope with the amount of traffic.
I'm sad too as when we moved to this area nearly 11 years ago, it was very much country. We used to see cows in the fields, but now they've been built on. A local farm shop, had goats, cows and sheep, but that's now closed and the animals gone. We used to see more horses, but a lot of them have been moved.
Our council is very greedy, I can't wait for another election, so we can hopefully vote them out. But I fear by then it will be too late, and the damage is already done.
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