
By YellowTeddy

Hull University Science Festival

Today we went to Hull University to watch 2 shows and to visit the Discovery center. The first show was about super heros and how their powers could actually be achieved in the real world.  In the extra photo, Sam is taking to the man who did the talk and experimenting with proprioception as a way of 'hearing' sound.
The main photo is of Sam trying to put together a model of the human anatomy - with a little help.  We looked at extruding chocolate where chocolate was made bendy - not by melting it but by puttin git under huge pressure (100 atm) and squeezing it out of a small hole like a long peice of spagehetti.  We then got to eat the chocolate. :-).  Sam removed the DNA from a strwaberry too and we now have a cotton bud with strawberry DNA on for his home ed folder.  There were lots more activities and the science festival was excellent.  William and Rick were busy in other rooms within the center and unfortunately, I don't have any photos of Will, but he does have a balloon powered car which he brought home as a keep-sake.  He also looked at a virtual reality model of a flood and some other things that sounded fun.  It all go a bit much for Sam at the end so Will and Rick went on to see the last show (all about robots and programming) by themselves while I waited with Sam.  William came back very excited about it all. I must admit I was a bit disappointed to miss it.
All in all though it was great watching both boys getting involved with so many different areas of science.
Whilst we were at the university, they took some photo's of Sam and he is now on the university website.  The photo is similar to the main photo above. you can see it here:

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