Running in someone else's shoes

This was the view from my bedroom window, this morning. It made me want to go out running so badly, I could feel my legs beginning to ache. So, as soon as the Minx had set off to pick up the miniMinx, with Abi riding shotgun, I went to get changed.

No running kit!

And then I remembered that it was all in the back of the car as I'd been planning to run in Chorley last week. Bugger.

I found an old running vest and I had a new pair of shorts, from which I'd yet to remove the tags, and socks and grippers were in plentiful supply. All I needed was a pair of running shoes. I was sure I had an old pair of squash shoes, which would do the trick, but then I remembered I'd taken them to my folks' house for running in down there. I though about running barefoot but doubted I'd make it far. What to do?

And then I noticed, in the porch, a pair of Dan's trainers. I hadn't noticed them before; they're black and I was looking for white footwear. Hm. I slipped them on. A little snug, but definitely not to small. And so I set off.

Down to Devil's Bridge; up past the caravan park and on to High Casterton; up to the old railway and along to the school, and then back down to the church, back up to High Casterton and then down to Devil's Bridge and back home. Five point seven miles. 

It wasn't entirely comfortable but there were no aches and pains once the shoes were off.

And the rest of the day was lovely; a BBQ out on the deck with the Minx and the kids, and then we all went into Lancaster to watch the bleak but enjoyable 'Logan'. Perfect.


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