Happy Lad

After thoroughly enjoying the Daily Telegraphs April 1st story about Polar Bears landing on a Scottish Island via an ice floe over breakfast, (Ibparticularly liked the part about hunger would eventually force them south to Glasgow where they would scavenge from bins), Clare and I set off for the weekly shopping expedition.
Returning home and putting it all away delayed Joshua who was champing at the bit to get down town.
We eventually pitched up at the Vodaphone Shop where we were fortunate to be served by the very lovely Tracy, shop manager, and a kind of friend who has sorted out our phones etc for sixteen years plus.
An hour later we left, Joshua with his new iPhone 7+ limited edition in red. A good deal, lots of data, free Spotify Premium etc.
This is the last phone I shall get him, for his next one he will be almost nineteen and fingers crossed a soldier.
He did buy me a coffee though so it wasn't all bad.
Home, dinner, TV and bed.

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