
By TBay

Lincoln Cathedral.

After a snoreathon last night ( me not Mr Tbay!!) we headed for breakfast and off to the Cathedral which is just opposite the hotel. It did not disappoint, and we had a wonderful guide to take us around.

I took so many photos but in the end decided on this fabulous stained glass window. The colours were just stunning.

After a light lunch halfway down Steep Hill ( very aptly named) we continued to the bottom where we planned to catch the shuttle service that would take us back to the cathedral at the top. Plan failed as the shuttle service reduced runs in the afternoon and we would have had to wait for ages for a return bus! So up we walked! Quite a climb but feel I have earned my supper this evening!!

We then headed for the Castle which was very interesting . Having been used as a prison for many years we were able to see the inside of the old gaol and then go to see the Magna Carter and a very interesting film about it.

We are now resting before we are off again to find a nice place to eat!

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