Meet Pixie

Having lived with animals all her life, Bex was desperately missing the love and companionship of one in her new home. So she contacted Cats Protection to see about the possibility of adopting a cat. They had their home visit on Friday. A little old lady who was quite forthright in her opinions :-D)). Telling them they need to sort out the front and back gardens but that she had a nice surprise when she went into the house and would tell them if they were not suitable.

As you can see they were successful and picked up little Pixie on Saturday. They think she is about 2 months old and was abandoned 3 weeks ago.

As both Mo and Rebecca were working today, I went over to kitty sit and meet her. I did coax her out of the inside of her bed where we then played inside her new forever home. She is quite unsure at the moment but hopefully, in time, she will gain confidence and enjoy her new owners.

Once she had returned to her bed, I did do a little work in their front garden and cleaned the front window... I wonder if they will notice lol. Then had another short play before I headed home.

I then took Ruby over the common for a stroll.

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