Glory Days...

By emkingcol


Well, the last six weeks have just flown by and here we are back at school!

Very nerve racking morning as we took Evie off to the heights for the first time. She seemed fairly composed in the playground waiting for the bell but I could tell she could have burst into tears at any given moment (as could have I). Fortunately, we both held it in and off she went. Obviously I had to go back to check she was alright, with em shouting 'dont let her see you'. Obviously she saw me but a kiss and a wave saw her off. Another milestone reached:(

Spent most of the day worrying only to get a phone call from Evie explaining that she had had the best day ever!!! Music to my ears. So proud of her:)

Big day for May Jane as well. She moved up to year one so a new teacher and class for her. She takes everything in her little stride and had a lovely day.

Celebrated with a nice family meal out at Ask this evening. Happy children = happy parents:)

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