Is anybody home?

I had a really hard time choosing a blip today. Sunday mornings were always spent visiting Mom so I have been trying to keep busy on Sunday mornings. Hallie and I went for a walk to the dead end to check out the marsh. In the summer I can walk right down and into the area but it is like a little lake right now and there are so many geese and ducks and birds. Took a few photos then headed home to clean out the garage a bit and make some soup. This afternoon we headed out to the conservation club to burn some wood and cardboard from the garage purge. There was a goose on top of one of the sheds, I think nesting. Got a few pics of her and of Hallie enjoying the open space. On the way home we stopped at an abandoned house I have been wanting to capture. Got a few pics there and have decided on one of them to be my Blip. I would have liked to have gone inside but wasn't sure if it was trespassing or not so only pics from the outside. more are over on flickr if you are interested. Hope you all enjoyed your week-end. Have a good week:)

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