The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Not the best day ..

Maisie had been having a lovely time at dog park - several times I was about to leave when a new playmate of hers would arrive so we'd stay a little longer.

The play park is surrounded by a picket fence and as dogs come in Maisie rushes to the fence to see who's arriving.

Unfortunately on the last occasion, she rushed to the fence, and almost immediately she screamed and screamed. When we dragged her away from the fence we saw her nose was very badly bitten and blood was pouring from it.

The 'new arrival' was a Staffie which wasn't coming to the Playpark - but to the in house dog friendly cafe. The owner had been told the dog was only allowed into the building on the condition that it was muzzled as it was known to be aggressive and unpredictable with other dogs, but it seems nobody had noticed that the owner hadn't bothered to put a muzzle on it and it was allowed in regardless.

To cut a long story short - Maisie was rushed to the vet - an anti inflammatory and antibiotic injected and painkillers prescribed.

I cannot begin to tell you how very, very angry I am about this. I'll let you know the outcome - personally I think at the very least that the dog should be banned from the park and the owner MUST pay my vet bill.

Maisie is SO jumpy now - she was already a rather frightened dog - but having her face savaged by a sodding Staffie through the fence has set her back no end.

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