Trump's Cabinet

Fat chance Trump’s administration of fawning loyalists, will “Make America Great Again. ” Trump really meant,  “Make America a White, Racist, Misogynistic Patriarchy Again.” It would be hard to send a clearer message to women and minorities than with the cabinet he has assembled.

 Steve Bannon is an alt-right, white nationalist cheerleader. Jeff Sessions,  was earlier rejected  by the Senate Judiciary Committee, due to racist comments and behavior. Trump's son-in-law and daughter make a mockery of the ethics laws and rules. Carl Icahn,  special adviser on regulatory reform is pushing to change the rule that guides the way ethanol is blended into gasoline.  This would directly benefit an oil refiner, CVR Energy, which he owns to the tune of $206 million.   

Trump will continue to debase and devalue the presidency with his lies. He will continue to follow Bannon’s philosophy of internal deconstruction of our government, its principles and its institutions. And Trump and cabinet will continue to leech as much personal financial advantage as they can. The Trump presidency is a corruption that flows from corruption. It is damned by its own damned lies.

America elected a parasite.That orange glow emanating from him is the sun setting on America’s progress on justice, peace, environment, race and  equality.  

Painting by William Holbrook Beard called, School Rules.

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