Today a picture of a guy who served us in a phone shop. Before going in we braced ourselves for the inevitable .... more money, more confusion, less hope & indifferent service for folks who don't need all-singing, all-dancing phones and contracts. However, we were delighted by the service, the help and chuffed coming out of the shop with a significantly better deal and saving money. I asked if I could take the guy's photo and explained a bit about three and a half years of blipping, so here's Jason. Thanks for helping.

Mobile phones .....
The first mobile call was made on April 3, 1973
The weight of the phone used to make that call was about the same as a bag of sugar
A decade later in 1983 the first mobile phones went on sale in the US costing about £2,500 each
The first mobile phone call made in the UK was in 1985 when Ernie Wise called from London to Vodafone's offices in Newbury
Mobile phone texting was first introduced 21 years ago
The first photo to be shared using a mobile phone was taken in 1997
Celina Aarons, from Florida, is thought to hold the dubious honour of having racked up the highest ever mobile phone bill. She neglected to change her calling plan to an international one when the phone was used for two weeks in Canada. The result was a £142,000 bill, which was later reduced to £1,800 by the phone company
In the UK a mobile phone is stolen every three minutes
The world's most expensive mobile phone cost £6.7million
The most common use for a mobile is checking the time

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