Inverness Blipmeet Day 4!!

A sad farewell to Inverness and The Black Isle…

(If you look very, very closely, on the far side of the Moray Firth you can see Fortrose and Houseonahill6’s house! Can you see her waving?! And did you spot the plane’s shadow?)

Woke at 5.15am (an unplanned wakeup call!) so catching the 7.15am bus to Inverness Airport for the 9am flight to Bristol was no problem. Ten minutes after landing, I was on the bus heading home, and walked through the front door at 11.24am.

I’ve only been away three days but the warm sunshine they’ve had down here has transformed the garden. Even from the air, (as we flew over my house!) I could see that the Horse Chestnut tree in the front garden had come into leaf, the Cherry Tree has started to blossom, the Tulips are in full swing, and even my home-grown seeds have started to germinate!!

(Will catch up with replies to your comments tomorrow. In the meantime thank you so much for your kind words, stars and hearts for my time in Inverness...)

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